Financial support for Ph.D students (Doctoral course students)

The Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences provides financial support for Ph.D. students, i.e., students advanced to candidacy, so that they can focus on their research. We hire Ph.D. students as research assistants (RAs). (We delegate research assistance work to Ph.D. students and give them remuneration.) The outline for FY 2019 is as follows:   To each Ph.D. student, we will pay an amount equivalent to 100% of the tuition fee as RA remuneration. Students who are exempted from paying the tuition fee (full or half price) are also hired. However, we will reduce the payment amount for those students enrolling for more than 3 years. The following students are excluded from this economic support: (1) JSPS Research Fellows (2) Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Students (3) Students employed as RAs (or equivalent) at other institutions (or financed by external funding) (4) Persons with a certain amount of income as workers (5) Students currently taking a leave of absence from the university (6) Students receiving a benefit type scholarship of 140,000 yen / month or more.   For more information, contact us by email at (delete two # symbols).