The Programs in Physics offer high-level education and opportunities to study and understand fundamental properties of matter under various conditions. The quality of the Programs is ensured by our intensive research activities in a broad range of physics, including particle physics, astrophysics, nuclear physics, condensed-matter physics, and plasma physics. We also offer the Cooperative Graduate School system, in which adjunct professors at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, and RIKEN provide research and educational supervision.
The curriculum in the Physics Program is systematically organized. In the two-year Master’s program, students will master fundamental theories and basic experimental techniques. They also start research on subjects in the field of their specialty. At the end of the second year, they submit a master’s thesis. In the following three-year Doctoral Program, they will pursue advanced research topics under the close supervision of their thesis advisors. At the end of the Program, they submit a doctoral thesis.
One of the characteristic features of the Physics Program is its high research activities through international collaborations. Many graduate students join these projects and carry out their research as visitors to foreign institutions, such as Fermi and Brookhaven National Laboratories in USA and the CERN Laboratory in Europe.
The goal of the Program is to provide students with the opportunities to train themselves to be academic researchers and highly skilled professionals, who will be able to pursue their own original researches and to apply what they have learned to the problems of the real world. We are committed to achieving these goals.
Requirements for the Degree Program
Master Program (MS degree) – 2 years course
- Course requirements : “Colloquium on Pure and Applied Sciences”, 1 credit: and 1 credit or more from the other “fundamental subject” courses. 12 credits from “special research” in their own field. Total of 30 credits or more including those specified above.
- M.S. thesis : After having acquired the required credits of courses and seminars, the student should submit a M.S. thesis and take an oral examination.
Doctoral Program (PhD degree) – 3 years course
- Course requirements : “Special Research”. total 18 credits.
- Doctoral (PhD) thesis : The student should submit a doctoral thesis and take an oral examination. In normal cases, it will happen during or at the end of the third year in the doctoral program. However, an exceptional student can submit his/her thesis a year earlier.