Researcher Blind Date Project 2020- Meet your potential collaborator!
To promote collaborative researches, Research Administration/Management office of the University of Tsukuba organize an online poster exhibition in which presenters anonymously post their own research skills, research topics, and/or hurdles to overcome in a three questions format. When both a presenter and a commentator agree on identifying themselves, the event organizer will mediate them for a possible future collaboration.
■ Three-questions format
Q1. Please describe your research topics.
Q2. Please describe your research goals, aims, hardles, etc.
Q3. Please describe your unique know-hows and skills that you can provide for other researchers
■ Date
Deadline of the First Period of answering “three-questions” is June 30th (Tue.)
First period of the web bulletin board: June 30th (Tue.) to August 31st (Fri.), 2020Deadline of the Second of answering “three-questions” is October 16th (Mon.)
Second period of the web bulletin board: October 5 (Mon) to December 25th (Fri.)
■ Main Target
Researchers in the University of Tsukuba, Graduate School Students
■ How-to Join
Please visit URL below and answer “three-questions” from registration page
RBDP2020_poster_two sides_v3
■ Reference URL
Please visit URL below and answer “three-question format” via registration page.
■ Contact
Research Administration / Management Office
ura_tsukuba[at] ※change [at] to @