6th Exchange Meeting for Doctoral Students and Company Researchers (第6回 博士課程学生と企業の交流会)
Message (交流会の趣旨)
Doctoral students present their research to corporate researchers and recruiting personnel and engage in discussions based on their research. Unlike presentations in ordinary conferences, students explain their ideas based on technical backgrounds and unique points in experimental methods and data analysis, and demonstrate their own innovation and presentation skills. We believe that through such discussions with researchers from companies, students will be able to grasp the positioning and strengths of their research and get a bird’s eye view, which will lead to subsequent innovations in their research. It also provides an opportunity to learn about how researchers work in companies. For companies, it will be a good opportunity to clarify the human resource image of graduate students and enhance matching with the personnel they are seeking. Through collaboration between universities and companies, we hope to lead the way in an era that demands the use of highly skilled research personnel like PhD students.
Participation Guidelines (参加要領)
Date | October 24 (Thu.), 2024 |
Venue | |
Registration Fee | Free |
Participants | |
Graduate students (mainly PhD course) of the Degree Programs of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba | |
Researchers and recruiters in companies | |
Faculty members of Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba |
日時 | 2024年10月24日(木) 13:00~18:00 | |
場所 | オンライン | |
参加費 | 無料 | |
参加者 | 大学院生 | 筑波大学大学院数理物質科学研究群(博士後期課程) |
企業 | 研究者と採用担当者 参加企業一覧<xxx> | |
大学教員 | 筑波大学数理物質系教員 |
To companies (企業の皆様へ)
The purpose of this meeting is to promote the development and utilization of advanced research human resources, which will be increasingly needed in the future, through cooperation between universities and companies. Through this exchange meeting, you can clearly understand the image of the graduate students (especially doctoral students) and improve the matching with the required human resources. We will also provide an opportunity where you can directly convey the research and innovation capabilities that companies require to university faculty and students. If possible, we would like to ask you to participate as a pair of recruiter and researcher.
Details 詳細 (For companies 企業) |
Registration Form 参加申し込み 8/9まで(by August 9) (For companies 企業)※本年度の申し込みは終了いたしました。 |
Questionnaire Form アンケート(交流会終了後) (For companies 企業) |
To students (学生の皆さんへ)
This program provides an opportunity to present your research and self-appeal to researchers and recruiters from companies, and to have discussions based on these presentations. Unlike presentations at ordinary academic conferences, the presentations will be based on technological backgrounds and will include original techniques for experimental methods and data analysis, allowing participants to demonstrate their own innovation and presentation skills. One of the objectives is to gain an understanding and bird’s-eye view of the social positioning of one’s own research and strengths through discussions with corporate researchers, and to link this to innovation in subsequent research. Furthermore, it is a good opportunity to learn about how researchers work in companies and the reality of research in companies.

Registration Form 参加申し込み 7/22まで (by July 22) (For students 学生)※本年度の申し込みは終了いたしました。 |
Questionnaire Form アンケート(交流会終了後) (For students 学生) |
Online Program(tentative)
Moderator:SUEMASU Takashi (Subprogram Leader, Doctoral Program in Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba)
13:00-13:05 | Opening remarks SUEMASU Takashi |
13:05-13:20 | Lecture 1 ―Doctoral Career in Japanese Company and Business― FUKASAWA Tomonori(President, Emerging Technologies Corporation) |
13:20-13:35 | Lecture 2 ―Cultivation of Human Resources in Degree Programs in Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba― KURODA Shinji(Dean, Degree Programs in Pure and Applied Sciences) |
13:35-13:45 | Lecture 3 ―Web Salon System for Young Researchers (PhD x FUTURE), University of Tsukuba― YAMAMOTO Sari (Bureau of Human Empowerment) |
13:45-13:50 | Break |
13:50-15:50 | Poster Sessions |
15:50-16:00 | Break |
16:00-16:50 | Groups discussion |
16:50-17:00 | Closing Remarks |
司会 末益 崇(数理物質科学研究群 応用理工学学位プログラム 電子・物理工学サブプログラムリーダー)(確定ではありません)
13:00-13:05 | 開会挨拶 |
13:05-13:20 | 講演1 「博士号取得者のキャリアや企業での働き方について」 深澤 知憲((株)エマージングテクノロジーズ 代表取締役社長) |
13:20-13:35 | 講演2 「筑波大学数理物質科学研究群における人材育成」 黒田 眞司 教授(数理物質科学研究群長) |
13:35-13:45 | 講演3 「若手研究者のためのWebサロンシステム(PhD x FUTURE)の紹介」 山本 早里 教授(ヒューマンエンパワーメント推進局) |
13:45-13:50 | 休憩 |
13:50-15:50 | ポスターセッション
ポスター発表の登録・参加企業への限定公開 |
15:50-16:00 | 休憩 |
16:00-16:50 | 少人数グループ討議 |
16:50-17:00 | 閉会挨拶 |
Event Office, Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba
筑波大学 数理物質科学研究群 交流会担当
1-1-1 Tenodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8573, Japan 〒305-8573 茨城県つくば市天王台1-1-1
E-mail: pas-dr-koryu[at]un.tsukuba.ac.jp
Tel: 029-853-8389
Planning and management cooperation 企画・運営協力
Emerging Technologies Corporation (株)エマージングテクノロジーズ